Wall Art

Note: All images are printed without the watermark on the bottom right.

HD Prints

Printed locally in Frameworks, an artisan printing and framing company situated in Ennis Co. Clare on premium lustre 260gsm paper, using the finest quality Epson ultra chrome inks.


High resolution image printed on polyester canvas mounted on a wooden frame (3.9cm thick), ready to hang as hanging kit is included.


Acrylic photo print on aluminium dibond. A composite panel made of high quality aluminium mounted under acrylic glass providing maximum colour and brilliance.
This ultimate piece of wall art is 6mm thick and arrives ready to hang with a hanging system built into the rear of the image

Acrylic Mounted Prints and Face Mounting

To produce these acrylic mounted prints, a special manufacturing and assembling technique called "face mounting ®" is used.
It works like this:

First of all, a silicon layer is applied on the picture to laminate it.
The image is then sealed to make sure that no air has remained inside.
Next, the laminated sheet is carefully adhered at the back of the acrylic block.
Last, a sturdy aluminium Dibond backing is added. The acrylic glass includes a second filter that keeps the light out of the picture and therefore prevents it from fading.

Acrylic prints with an aluminium backing offer:
  • The vibrancy of an acrylic mounted print
  • The protection provided by acrylic prints against dust, dampness and scratches
  • The sturdiness of an aluminium backing
  • The durability of a laminated picture